i) Fish and frozen obstacle
The fish will randomly hit 3 candies but in case where the challenge is breaking jellies, the fish will aim for jelly. But, note that metal obstacle will prevent fish from making jelly.
Jelly fish if mix with striped candies, the candies hit by the fish will turn into striped candies. If mix with bomb candies, it will turn affected candy into bomb candies. If mix with colour bomb candy, it will create 9 fish instead general 3 fish.
Jelly fish if mix with striped candies, the candies hit by the fish will turn into striped candies. If mix with bomb candies, it will turn affected candy into bomb candies. If mix with colour bomb candy, it will create 9 fish instead general 3 fish.
Frozen candies appear quite frequently at higher levels. You can break the ice by mix next to it just like chocolate or you can just mix it with other candy. For example above, you can mix using a purple to left or right to break the ice. The fish on the right will not be activated but will activate in the next mix using it.
It will make 3 striped candies if you mix it with normal candy. If you mix it to the right or left, you will have 3 vertical candies on your right or left and in case mixing to up or down, you will have 3 horizontal candies.
It will make 2x 3 striped candies if you mix wheel with striped candies.
If mix with bomb candy, you will have a line of bomb candies.
If mix two wheel together, you get 2x full line of striped candies.
iii) Mystery candy
It can turn into any obstacles and any special candies. In some round, it can also turn into lucky candy.
iv) Lucky candy (rarely given though)

v) Rainbow candy
Isn't it looks pretty? It can change between two colors. It will change color even if frozen.
(New Obstacle: Time bomb maker) Candy Crush 275
iii) Mystery candy
It can turn into any obstacles and any special candies. In some round, it can also turn into lucky candy.
iv) Lucky candy (rarely given though)
v) Rainbow candy
Isn't it looks pretty? It can change between two colors. It will change color even if frozen.
(New Obstacle: Time bomb maker) Candy Crush 275
The bomb maker makes a lane of time bomb. It is a very dangerous maker compared to chocolate maker.
This level is one of the hardest time bomb level since it making 3 moves time bomb.
The only way to clear this round is clearing all other jellies except the jellies near the bomb maker. In above picture, it would be the top left orange and green jelly area and top right purple and orange jelly area. My way to clearing is to clear the fish at the bottom first because the fish might break the chocolate at top and resulting your death in 3 moves and so, you can save your playing time.
Candy Crush 269 (Black metal candy + time bomb maker).
This round is a headache. My way of clearing is rely on mostly on luck.
First, I make the fish ready to be used first by breaking the ice. Then, I make striped candies and break the black candy hoping to get matching time bomb candies and normal candy. The rest depends on the fish. It will take you a lot of tries.
Candy Crush 285
There is 3 double jelly on the bottom. The only way to solve this is use the fish. Fish able to hit jelly through the wall.
Double Jelly means we need to break two times.
So, one of the way is mix fish with colour bomb after you clear all other jellies. Mixing fish with colour bomb, you will get the effect of 3 fishes + 6 fishes. Actually, you need just 6 fishes to break the bottom 3 double jellies.
At higher level, most of the time, you need lucky set of starting and subsequent candies to clear. But, then knowing how to use latest special candies are needed to clear the rounds as well.